You may have seen on the photos page, that we finally visited the Sultan's Palace, Topkapi, the other weekend.
I could rant and rave, but this blog is getting very wordy. So I might just give you this really cool link:
and you can have a good look at it for yourself.
On the up side, it was really amazing to see how cushy the top dogs had it in this massive empire, that only ended in the 1920's.
On the down side, it is a major tourist destination, so you have get through the shutterbugs and the socks 'n sandals crew.
Well worth a look when you are here though, and worth the extra ten bucks to get into the Harem... that is where all the action was going on.
Photo: The entrance to "The Circumcision Room"
The Circumcision Room! Wahay! but wait..is that a sinister figure lurking inside?
Most likely
Kids get the chop here at about the age of five or six, I think. They dress them up in a little sultan's outfit and then it's off for the off.
You see these kids around town every now and again. They do not look very happy. I wouldn't either.
I have a friend who reckons they used to put the recently removed article in a big family stew and the one who got it served to them was the lucky one...
Not in my books.
Not sure if this story is true, certainly doubt it in this day and age... thought maybe in the east... you never know
mmmm tenderloins ;)
Does not sound like my idea of a birthday present.
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