Keith Gets Head!!

For his final meal in Istanbul, our good friend, part-time colleague and full-time joker, Keith chose to have a sheep's head.
This is apparently a Turkish delicacy, although I have not really seen it offered in too many places. Maybe around the the time of the Kurban Byram they might be more common.
Kurban Byram mean "sacrifice holiday". Here in Turkey it is a sheep that gets sacrificed. This does not sit well with the EU. The idea is, I am told, carried over from ancient times. Your family kill a sheep and share it with everyone, especially the poor. However, slaughtering livestock in your home or the streets does not seem to be a "Shared European Value".
In his opinion: the pupils were nice, the jaw flesh was like shoulder flesh, the rest of the eye ball "minged", the brain was a bit gooshy and the tongue... he didn't even go there.
Fare ye well Keether, I am sure that you will make a great carpenter or at least, better than you were a teacher!
Take it easy.
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