Got up around noon
missed breakfast
moved straight onto lunch
rolled into a restaurant
reclined in an Ottoman style lounge
all carpets and cushion
had an old woman next to a wood fire
make us goozleme
pancakes filled with cheese, fetta, spinach or potatoes
and bring coffee and tea
mmm this is living
we pushed off
for a roll around the ruins
By definition
they are not in very good condition
You can feel the history of the place though
why anyone would want to settle here
in the shade
cool river flowing past
lap of the ocean never far from your ear
And look
an old relic
the rear...
coke can
oh, and a marlboro packet

made less so by the giant group of tourist
there when we arrived
Just like any traffic
you just have wait for it to pass
One group of German posed for a photo
in the Speedos
one large gentleman in the front row
had his legs spread a little too far
The local photo lab will have a laugh
when they return this guys photos
with on great hairy white bollock hanging out of his cod piece
Would love to bring you the photo
I was too shocked to move however
The rest of the day was spent floating
After dinner we had a few drinks and hit "the" nightclup
It reminded me of Ra Lai Beach
Open ceiling
Rustic decor
We got there at ten
we were the only ones
We sat out the front for a beer and a chat
we went back in at about eleven
it was packed
Turkish Men
It should be noted here that Turkey is the home of the peacock male
more than any other place I have been
Turkish males seem to spend a lot of time on their appearance
This is merely an observation
not a criticism
careful attention is paid to hair and clothes
They also dance
sometimes enthusiasm is not matched by talent
but it is definitely amusing to watch
Nice post, Al. I like the poetic style of the writing, it makes for pleasent reading. I can see the Turkish men dancing with 'enthusiasm' now, hehe. Germans in speedos.. hmm, who would have thought!
PS: "By definition
they are not in very good condition"
Blog entry so cool
I like the poetic style
very pleasant to read
Cheers Dude!
Glad to know someone is reading it!
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