The Mediterranean OdysseyOr "Scuba, Sunken Cities and Scenic Sights"DAY ONEDeparture0400
2hrs sleep
Blurry eyed blunderings
past nightclups
still pounding
onto the bus
8YTL coffee
Check in chaos
Turkish style
multiple queues
confused looks
just push forward
huge, eerie and golden
looms high on the wall
looking down on us all
Across the tarmac
and onto the plane
we emerge into the heat of Antalya
onto the bus to the otogar
otogar to mini bus
AntalyaWe do not stop
It looks like a nice town
Mountains on one side
Sea on the other
Rows of concrete apartment blocks
spoil the view in between
The minibus drops us at the cross roads
and we take another minibus
down the twisting valley road
The Lycians used to hang out here
Romans thought it was cool too
They took it over
Several other Empires had the same idea
About five years ago the place was full of hippies
They have been moved on
bad for business
Today it is colonised by tourists
Mostly middle class Turks roughing it
They find it hard to travel internationally
for some reason...
Other ethnic groups include
in order of prevalence
Australians and Kiwis
Germans in Speedos
Oversunned English
We checked into
Orange PansiyonIt was pretty good
It had air con
SetupOlympos is in a valley
there is one road
on one side are mountains
on the other there is a river
dry this time of year
and mountains
Along the road are pansiyon
or guest houses
many of them offer tree houses
most of these qualify as they are made of trees
At the end of the road there is a man in a box
beyond that are ancient ruins
beyond theses there is the beach
You must give the man in the box
two lyria or he will not let you through
Pay to go the beach
Well, as more of what is public
is sold
this is something that we should get used to
The BeachThere is no shade
It is covered in baking tourists
who later complain about sunburn
Don't get me started
It goes for miles
with rocks
This might be alright for the English
but I am used to pristine fine white sandy beaches
On the plus side
The is ocean
as far as the eye can see
And it is wet and cool and salty and floaty
and man, do I miss the ocean
And there are lots of fish
ChimeraThe Chimera was this weird fire breathing horse goat lion thing
He used to pop up whenever there was a storm coming
or anything nasty generally
This hero dude Ellerophone,
with the help of the winged horse Pegasus
managed to slay the bugger
Where he fell
There are flames shooting out of the ground
That is what the Greeks reckoned anyway
Homer talks about it in the Illiad, I think
Sailors used to naviagte by it
Those Greek have shot through
but the flames are still shooting from the ground
We took a bus up there in the middle of the night to check it out
It is pretty trippy
Modern science type persons
think that they are methane vents
they still can't explain why you can put them out
and they will just set right back on fire
It like the weird beast idea thing myself
It is also where they got the flame for the olympic torch
and still do
Worth a look if you are in the area
When we got back after one
we slept for about twelve hours